Who is the pastor?
Carriage Hill is led by a group of elders, who, together, share the duty of pastoring. Each of them is active in preaching and teaching, shepherding, and overseeing the congregation. The elders, who attend to the spiritual needs of the congregation, are assisted in the practical and material duties by men and women who serve as deacons. Preaching and teaching are shared by the men of the fellowship who have the gift of teaching and who have developed it through study and faithful practice.
What is the Lord’s Supper?
The Lord’s Supper was instituted by the Lord Jesus on the night on which He was betrayed, with a command to take the bread and the cup “in remembrance of Me.” Because of the importance of this command and the pattern of the New Testament church, we choose to do this on a weekly basis. At this service, also called the “Breaking of Bread,” believers have an opportunity to actively offer worship to God for the person of Jesus Christ and the work of salvation He completed on our behalf by dying on the cross. At Carriage Hill, it is a reflective time of worship, praise, remembrance, and thanksgiving. Various men offer Scripture readings, comments, prayers, and hymns to focus our thoughts on Jesus Christ, His death, and resurrection. The service is orderly, but participation is spontaneous as led by the Holy Spirit, and pauses for meditation are common. At the end of this service, the bread and the cup are passed; anyone who has placed his faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and is living rightly before Him is invited to partake.
Why do women have on head coverings?
Perhaps a more appropriate question would be why men have uncovered heads. A tradition arose among the Jews by the time of Christ to cover their heads in the synagogue. This tradition was not rooted in the Law of Moses. In 1 Corinthians 11:2–10, the apostle Paul specifically instructs the men of the church at Corinth to remove their head coverings. He then proceeds to explain that each man in the church represents the glory of God and the authority and headship of Christ over the Church. Furthermore, the women picture the glory and beauty of mankind, created by God and subject to God. A woman covering her head symbolically covers up this glorious creation (representing both men and women) of God in order that nothing competes with the glory of God. Thus at Carriage Hill, men do not wear a covering on their heads, and women are privileged to choose to cover their heads.
If I have more questions, who do I contact?
Any of the elders would be happy to answer any further questions you may have regarding these or other spiritual issues. If you would like to fellowship with us regularly, we would also welcome a chance to talk with you. You may contact us at the following phone numbers:
- Mark Khol 517-512-0469
- Ken Foote 517-712-8033
- Craig Bowman 517-896-7033
- Will Henning 734-652-4457
- John Mark Bjorlie 616-828-7631